Healthy Drinks For Energy
Aug 31, 2022
With hectic lifestyles, it's no wonder people often turn towards quick fixes like sugary beverages as an easy energy solution. Even though they may seem tempting or rather addictive (especially since most contain caffeine), there are also often many artificial colors added to them and lots of sugars.
If you're looking for a healthy and organic way to get energy, you should avoid sugary drinks and look for natural alternatives. There are plenty of organic energy drinks on the market that can give you the clean energy you need without the sugar crash but it is even better to make your own!
The best thing about making your own energy drink is that you can customize it to fit your specific needs. Your body will thank you in the long run.
Best Healthy Energy Drinks
We’ve enlisted some organic healthy drinks that will give you an extra boost of energy with zero side effects. They’re free of any artificial ingredients as well.
Green Tea
The most popular choice in this regard. A darling of health enthusiasts around the world, a cup of green tea offers 30-50 mg of caffeine, many antioxidants, and polyphenols. Green tea extract can help with a variety of serious health issues, including cancer and obesity.
Black Coffee
Right after green tea, most people prefer black coffee. It’s the go-to drink for an extra boost of energy and alertness. A single cup of black coffee offers 70-140 mg of caffeine so limit your intake but it does contain natural antioxidants that’ll help one stay focused and shake off drowsiness without giving any jolt.
Coconut Water
Nature's very own energy and sports drink. It’s like an elixir of eternal youthfulness. Not only is it low in calories and carbs, but it is also loaded with minerals and nutrients. It’s a delicious source of hydration as well as offers numerous benefits against many diseases.
Chia Seed Drink
Chia seeds are now idolized as a superfood. They contain an astounding number of nutrients and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. You can combine chia seeds with green tea to make a super healthy energy drink that is full of antioxidants and essential nutrients.
Yerba Mate
It’s one of the fastest growing drinks in the world in terms of popularity. A traditional South American drink that’s high in nutritional value and full of essential antioxidants. It has about 85 mg of caffeine per cup. So again limit your intake but staying alert and active at work with this drink is a guarantee.
Natural Fruit Juice(s)
Fruit juices are always associated with good health and a balanced diet. Commercially packaged fruit drinks are full of preservatives, artificial colors, and processed sugars. In fact, these "fruit drinks" have only a meager amount of real fruit concentrate. So, homemade real fruit juices are the only way to go in this case. There is an abundance of choices that you can pick from.
Banana And Protein Smoothie
This is a super easy drink to make, high in nutrients, and provides enough energy to last through your busy day. You can make it at home and take it with you to work. The recipe includes a banana, 1-2 scoops of protein powder, 1-2 spoons of natural peanut butter, and skimmed milk. Blend them all together and voila! You have a super energy drink full of amino acids, healthy fats, minerals, and many more goodies.
Chocolate Shake(s)
Chocolate is universally loved by all, and this is your chance to make a healthier energy drink with it. We recommend you use the dark variety with 75% cocoa content, which has many more benefits than the other types. Dark chocolate is significantly high in antioxidants and also improves heart health. Just blend dark chocolate with skimmed milk. This combination is super flexible as you can put fruits and nuts in it as well.
Carrot And Beetroot Juice
While not the most adored pair of vegetables, both of them are super healthy. They’re rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and iron. Carrot and beetroot juice help to regulate blood pressure levels, reduce inflammation, and aid detoxification, to say the least. You can add some ginger slices and Himalayan pink salt to make it healthier as well.
Apple And Ginger Juice
A concoction of apple and ginger with a generous squeeze of lemon is guaranteed to make you feel super refreshed and energized immediately. These 3 super ingredients in this drink make this energy drink rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This drink will also detoxify your body. It’s highly recommended for extra hot summer days.
It’s a popular drink that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It’s a delicious blend of yogurt, salt, spices, and water (or ice cubes). You can also add mangoes or berries and turn them into a more exotic fruit-flavored lassi. A glass of lassi will definitely make you feel refreshed and recharge your depleted energy levels. The yogurt is also loaded with good bacteria that can improve the gut’s health. Furthermore, it’s high in protein content, making it ideal for fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.
How Healthy Energy Drinks Improve Our Health
Energy drinks based on green tea, coffee, and guarana always provide a quick boost of energy for a fatigued human body. Thus, sipping on a healthy organic energy drink can help you gain more focus while also improving your mood.
A lot of professional athletes use healthy energy drinks to enhance their athletic performance and boost concentration.
These organic healthy drinks are not only a source of energy but also offer nutrients and antioxidants to improve our memory capacity.
Most of the time, healthy energy drinks are made at home. So, it ensures full quality control over these drinks. Also, these recipes are flexible, meaning you’re encouraged to increase your choice of fruits and nuts to incorporate into your drink.
Risks Associated With Drinking Healthy Drinks
Any drinks with large amounts of stimulants can lead to adverse side effects. For example, insomnia, restlessness, and mood changes. Energy drinks shouldn’t become an everyday part of your diet but rather balanced with a nutritious diet. Just like caffeine, you have to control the overall intake.
We all need a boost sometimes but it is recommended to limit the energy drink consumption to 5–7 per week.
If your energy drink is less than 200 mg in caffeine content then it’s okay to drink in moderation
Getting The Most Out Of Your Healthy Energy Drink
Following these rules will help you get the best out of your drinks at any time.
- Always use fresh and seasonal ingredients for your recipes.
- If you’re more sensitive to caffeine, then find other alternatives.
- Never consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day to avoid its adverse side effects.
- All energy drinks should contain less than 140 mg of caffeine, ideally. So, when you’re making or purchasing your drink, check the caffeine count.
Ways To Add Healthy Drinks To Our Diet
- Add a squeeze of lime into a glass of cold water to make a refreshing lime water drink.
- In a large jug, add water, sliced fruit(s), and ice. Refrigerate it overnight.
- Mix berries with sparkling water and serve it with your breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- Use various organic sweeteners and syrups in your flat drink and enjoy it any time of the day.
- Make a big batch of your favorite energy drink and make ice cubes out of it. Voila, you can drink the energy drink for days to come.
- Use your leftover crunchy salad vegetables and nuts. They can later be used in your energy drink as well.
Final Words
Healthy energy drinks actually offer more options and permutations in our lives when compared to commercial beverages – all they demand is "prep time" from our lives. The continuous upturn of health consciousness among people around the world is paving the way for healthy energy drinks in the daily diet like never before. Although there are some commercial brands truly producing healthy organic energy drinks for consumers, homemade solutions are still reigning supreme at this stage.